
The EDC folk,
They’re a talented bunch.
Vincent Koh
David Wong

Li Tim, Koh

Founder, Head of EDC, and past president of The Malaysian Institute of Interior Designers, Vincent ultimately spearheads design concepts and spatial planning.

With 38 years of professional experience, David is the head of project design development and implementation.

An Automotive Designer by training, Li Tim assists in design concepts and oversees business development for EDC.

Mohd Toha Bin Muhammad
Senior Associate

Gabriel Chee
Kai Leeng, Hong

Talented Toha manages interior architecture affairs and is ultimately the leader of the entire design studio.

Passionate Gabriel spearheads and leads teams in design development and supplementation.

Creative Kai Leeng forefronts and manages teams in art direction and FF&E.


The EDC folk,
They’re a talented bunch.
Vincent Koh

Founder, Head of EDC, and past president of The Malaysian Institute of Interior Designers, Vincent ultimately spearheads design concepts and spatial planning.

David Wong

With 38 years of professional experience, David is the head of project development and building implementation.

Li Tim, Koh

An Automotive Designer by training, Li Tim assists in design concepts and oversees business development for EDC.

Mohd Toha Bin Muhammad
Senior Associate

Talented Toha manages interior architecture affairs and is ultimately the leader of the entire design studio.

Gabriel Chee
Senior Associate

Passionate Gabriel spearheads and leads teams in design development.

Kai Leeng, Hong
Senior Associate

Creative Kai Leeng forefronts and manages teams in art direction.

“The only way to create great things every day is with great people who truly enjoy their job, so we make sure to only hire the best.Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work, and yes, Aristotle knows what he’s on about.”